Monthly Archives - April 2016

Fun and Safe Birthdays

Birthday parties allow kids to get together with other kids for nonstop fun and games. That is why kids love birthday parties, whether it is their own party, their friend’s party or one of their siblings. You don’t usually think of children’s birthday parties are especially dangerous, but there are some important safety things to remember that can make the day totally trouble- free. Birthday party essentials like food and bounce houses can prove fun but maybe a little...


Corporate Parties Can be Fun!

Corporate parties and events can be fun too. That is why, every company should choose their party entertainment wisely. We all want to host an unforgettable event for our co-workers! Even when we are on a tight budget, there are ways to hosting an unforgettable event to wow board members, bosses, and fellow employees. We know how quickly the costs can add up when we start planning for events, but you don’t need to worry. Below are some tips...